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Sunday, January 30, 2011

About Minecraft....

Some of you have been asking me about Minecraft.  Specifically, "What is it"...and, "Is it really only blocks"?  Well the answer is basically yes, it's a bunch of blocks that you need to destroy and/or cultivate to produce other blocky items and sustain yourself on what is essentially a blank slate or sandbox of a game world.  But don't take my word for it, my friend Ben "Yatzee" Croshaw here will explain it better...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Most Epic Rap Battle EVER!!

Buddy of mine turned me onto this video by "nicepeter" on YouTube.  I thought it was pretty funny and thought I'd share.  I understand he's touring the Chicago-land area soon so send some love his least thumbs up, if you enjoy his work!

Extra Credits!

Today is Thursday, which means a new installment of the gang over at Extra Credits!  Their insight into the gaming community, as well as their take on games in general, is usually an entertaining and informative time, so check them out!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Rig on the Way!

My friends over at VTS computers have begun bringing together parts to build my custom machine and it should be ready by this weekend, so look forward to some high quality video to begin appearing soon! I couldn't bring myself to do another low graphic one, it just wasn't good enough for my viewers.

Turns out many of the parts will be obtained via Newegg. I'm sure many of you have heard of them and if not, you should keep an eye on their site for deals that come up from time to time.  In fact, I'm going to see about becoming an affiliate for them, so hopefully I'll have one of their banners soon!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Speaking of Tabletop

Every now and then PVP online has a really nice strip.  Check them out if you're looking for a web comic that's office friendly.

Flash Games

Always enjoy flash and flash type's one I always thought was funny and fun! ;)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Rig Direction

After discussing potential builds with several peers in the field, I've decided to have my rig built by a friend of mine that has actually turned his passion into a profession. Please check out his website at Valente Technology Solutions where he currently has basic information including contact numbers if you'd like to speak to him directly about a future build for yourself!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Rig Update

I've refined the specs on that rig I was talking I'm taking this parts list and price checking things to see if i could build it myself more economically. What do you guys think?

Table Top

Got a table top session tonight with some old friends.  Board games are always great for socializing, and video games are great for interaction, but there's something about the old dice and paper crew that kinda brings the best qualities of both mediums together.

Anyone else out there got a table top game they enjoyed that they might recommend?

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Rig

So I've been window shopping custom builds online vs. building my own, and I think the price point is about the same.  Anyone feel like giving me some feedback on either of them please feel free.  One is an intel i5, the other is a phenomX4..

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Second boss from Heroic Throne of Tides

Here's the second boss from heroic Throne of tides; Commander ulthok.  I'm having difficulty with recording my audio, so i think I'm adding a microphone to my pending computer upgrade.  I hope you still enjoy the film though!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Speaking of Gaming...

Here's a link to one of my favorite web comics about table top gaming.  If you play Table top dice games, you may recognize one or all of the participants...enjoy!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Next Video Coming!

Hey gang,

Ok, so my next video will be coming out tomorrow, I've decided tor release them every 3-4 days for now.  In the mean time I'm looking over the quality of the video as well as the audio, and I'm thinking it's time for an upgrade!

Going to have to get a new video card, which means a new MOBO and chip since I'm running an AGP card still. But hey, building a new rig is half the fun!  Also I'm looking into different microphones so the recording quality doesn't sound so distant and hollow.

Coming soon!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Heroic Throne of Tides; Lady Naz'jar

Here's that WOW movie I was talking about. I hope you enjoy it!

First Video Finished!

Hey Gang,

Finished my first video, just waiting on permission from some friends of mine to use their music at the back end after the dialog.  I have my Shattered Crystal Game Codes opening and everything. I think it looks pretty good, but can be cleaned up a bit with technology.  A better microphone for one, and a better video card for sure!  May need to invest in a new PCI card here in January, this AGP is just about at its limit!

I'm opening with Throne of Tides, and putting them out in fight order, so as soon as I get the second fight done, I'll put an annotation in the first leading to the second, and in the second leading to the first and so on as they get made, so folks can click through them to each other rather than searching each fight.

New Year, New Blog

Hey gang!

Starting the year fresh with a new blog that I thought I would use to showcase and comment on various gaming experiences I, and my fellow gamers, have had.  To kick things off, many of you are probably aware of the recent seasonal launching of several games on multiple platforms.  While I do play console games and table games, these first couple weeks of the year I think I'm going to be focus on Blizzards latest release, World of Warcraft Cataclysm.

The grind to 85 was quick enough with little grieving from apposing faction along the way, but now the headaches seem to be stemming from people not being prepared for the technical aspects of the new heroic instances and raids.  So I thought I'd get some of my guildies from Rainbow Team Alpha together and punch out a couple how-to videos so others in our guild would have something to look at, starring people who's abilities they were already aware of, as a benchmark.

Lastly, but most importantly, I've become an affiliate member for Shattered Crystal !  It's a great website that provides fast and reliable email delivery of game codes for an entire catalog of games, including World of Warcraft game cards, XBOX live, PS3 network cards, and many more!  so check them out!

Look for the first video of RTA antics coming soon!