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Monday, February 28, 2011

Still Not Well...

I've been so bedridden the last week, that when I got to the couch to play games I still said, "meh...I'd rather be sleeping"!...but hey, that doesn't mean I'm not going to share some wisdom with you guys!....So this week per usual, here's the gang over at Extra Credits laying down some insight!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Not Well

I've been fighting a bit of an infection lately so haven't really updated like I would have liked.  I have some footage of RTA taking down Halfus again, with a different drake set up, and two different methods for dealing with the twin dragons.  I'm sure I'll get something up this weekend.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yahtzee's Take On DC Universe

So I'm running around on Rift, testing the beta looking for game errors and bugs, while another buddy of mine just finished up his beta of DC Universe which launched recently.  

I liked it, for what it was, but here's Yahtzee's take on it for grins and giggles.  Check him out over at escapist.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Game Achievements And You!

You know what you can get with all the game achievements you've unlocked playing the X-Box or PlayStation right?  You guessed it, a single byte of information representing how much you've played games!  But hey, don't take my word for it...

Table Top Dice Night II

Once again I'm off to play some table top games....a D&D based adventure is ongoing, however the group over at Full Frontal Nerdity are still going strong in their own campaign!  
This week they deal with the aftermath of a Farmville-turned table top adventure gone awry!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Rig, New Movies!

Here we have the guild downing Halfus Wyrmbreaker in Twilight Bastion!  I like the graphics, but could probably use some advice on alternate movie editors.  Anyone have any thoughts?  
Also, I'm looking for options on a new microphone, preferably with pop-guard for the new rig as well.  I'd appreciate input on that as well if anyone has any.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Being A Game Designer, Part II

Last week I shared E.C.'s first part on thinking like a game I bring you their second installment.  Enjoy!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Table Top Dice Night

Going out to play some table top with the gang tonight.  We'll see if the group can overcome the misadventures before us!  If you haven't checked out Full Frontal Nerdity by Aaron Williams yet, and you enjoy the humor that arises from when these types of groups get together, you'll definitely appreciate the humor.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

General Entertainment: Movies And The Oscar

So lately I've been playing more and more table games such as Quelf, Flux, Kingsburg, and Power Grid. If you haven't checked out those board games, I would suggest you look into them. Two I would consider strategy games, while the other two I would consider party or family games. But they're all four enjoyable. I'm considering adding a weekly round-up of the various board games my gaming group play, so you should look for those coming soon.

So why the title above? Well I was over at escapist watching another fine "Movie Bob" production in anticipation of going to the theater this weekend, and found this entertaining and take a look, and be sure to go check him out and click some links for him please.

Speaking of clicking links, don't be afraid to click on my banner as to see if Shattered Crystal Game Codes can provide you with any of your gaming codes or playing time so I can satisfy my advertisers as well.

Friday, February 4, 2011

So You Want To Be A Game Designer?

The gang over at Extra Credits put out a nice first part video discussing their opinion on becoming a good game designer.  You can go check them out or watch it here!